Alongwith my first MOOC experience with Model Thinking (see post about that here) I signed up for a short course on Web Science with the University of Southampton thanks to a chance hearing of Dame Wendy Hall on Radio 4 who got me hooked with her enthusiasm and a tweet from @srjf. My first activity is to “create your own timeline of key factors leading to the development of the Web, such that you could explain it to general audience.” A quick google for ‘how to create a timeline online’ led me to and I managed to pretty quickly create the timeline that should be embedded below (if you can see Flash things. If you can’t see it below you could try here. I wish I’d realised it was Flash based before I started…). There’s a bit of a gap between 1910 and 1964 and after about 2008 but if I spend a bit more time on that we could fill them up.
My First MOOC Activity